
The Vivre Card is shaped differently and Luffy's top is a different shade of blue.

Chapter 513
11p Panel 4
Usopp's strap and bag are missing.

Chapter 513
12p Panel 1
Usopp's armband and bag are missing.

Chapter 513
13p Panel 3
Usopp's armband is missing and Brook's sleeve is whole.

Chapter 513
14p Panel 1
The paw prints are missing from Kuma's jacket.

Chapter 513
17p Panel 5
The star is missing from Franky's arm and Nami's Log Pose is gone.

Chapter 513
18p Panels 2 & 3
Luffy's armband is missing.

Chapter 513
19p Panel 6
Luffy's armband is missing.

Chapter 513
20p Panel 1
Same as above.

Chapter 513
22p Panels 4 & 6
Same as above.